Use your own discretion when experimenting with these features. In this example, because the axis is at the bottom of the plot area, Low and Next to Axis will be the same. If the axis is not at the bottom of the plot area e. High will move the axis labels above the plot area. It is also useful to know how to change the location of the axis labels. You can alter the appearance of tick types under the Ticks tab by choosing an option under Major tick mark type.
Change it to 5 and only 2 of the labels will be shown e. From the Scale tab, under Interval Between Labels you can change the scale from 1 to 2 and every other label will be shown.
For example, you can specify the number of categories between tick marks. Other options under the Axes button in the Axes group include reversing the order of the labels diplaying them left to right or right to left and showing the axis without the labels or tick marks.